2/17/15 Entry 2:
2/3/25 Entry 1: pinecone, traffic cone, clear, WXRW 104.1 Riverwest Radio
(Heart Shaped) San Diego Underground Film Festival
(The Year) Ithaca Experimental Film Festival
(The Year) Light Matter Film Festival, Alfred, NY
(The Year) Other Places art fair (OPaf) in San Pedro, California
(The Year) Out of the Suitcase, Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
(Top Thrill) TILT Movement on Film Series, Coming of Age, Salt Lake City, Utah
(Too Much Fun) Ithaca Experimental Film Festival, New York
(Pet World) Des Moines Underground Film Festival, Iowa
(Top Thrill) Confessional Cinema, curated by Aaron Zeghers, Microscope Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
(Top Thrill) Confessional Cinema, curated by Aaron Zeghers, Visions MTL, Montreal
(Pet World) GAZE, Dublin, Ireland
(Grace Notes) Cineseries, Columbus, Ohio
(Pet World) Milwaukee Film Festival, Milwaukee, WI
(Pet World) Athens International Film + Video Festival, Athens Ohio
Cacophony: Short Films by Grace Mitchell & Sofia Theodore-Pierce, Sunview Luncheonette, NYC
(Pet World) San Diego Underground Film Festival
(Grace Notes) Microlights, Milwaukee, WI
(Too Much Fun) New Canadian Cinema Variety Hour, Toronto
(Too Much Fun & Easy Go) Film Diary NYC festival, Williamsburg & Chinatown, NYC
(Pet World) Cactus Club Independent Film Festival, Milwaukee, WI
(Pet World) Light Matter, Alfred, New York
(Pet World) Antimatter [Media Art], Victoria, BC, Canada
(Too Much Fun) Winnipeg Undergorund Film Festival, Manitoba, CA
(Magic Bath) Nightingale Cinema, Chicago, IL
(Too Much Fun) Milwaukee Underground Film Festival, Milwaukee, WI
(Easy Go) Onion City Experimental Film & Video Festival, Chicago, IL
(Easy Go) FLEX, Tampa, FL
(Pet World) Ocean Without Fish, ORi, Berlin, Germany
(Pet World) Ocean Without Fish, Soyuz Cinema, Hamburg, Germany
(Too Much Fun) Sunview Screening Salon, Brooklyn, NYC
(Magic Bath) MUFF Promo Screening, Cactus Club, Milwaukee, WI
(Magic Bath) Get In Bitches, Nightingale Cinema, Chicago, IL
(Too Much Fun) ICDOCS, Iowa City, IA
(Violet) The Zome, curated by Drew Durepos
Demolden Video Project, Santander, Spain
(Amusia) Onion City Experimental Film & Video Festival, Chicago, IL
(Too Much Fun) The European Media Art Festival, Berlin, Germany
(Too Much Fun) Peripheries Experimental Film & Video Festival, Boston, MA
(Too Much Fun) FemFest Video Showcase, Cactus Club, Milwaukee, WI
Printed Matter’s Virtual Art Book Fair, NYC
Onion City: Experimental Film + Video Festival, Chicago, IL
(Too Much Fun) FRACTO, Berlin
(W Grove Rd) Spectral Film Festival, Eau Claire, WI
(Easy Go) For the Feral Splendor that Remains, Mexico City,
curated by Sofia Theodore-Pierce
(Easy Go) For the Feral Splendor that Remains, Cactus Club, Milwaukee, WI.
Nothing (A) Political, Cactus Club, Milwaukee, WI. Curated by SeenScene
FRACTO, Berlin, Germany
Transient Visions, Johnson City, NY
Beloit International Film Festival, Beloit, WI
Onion City: Experimental Film + Video Festival, Chicago, IL
ICDOCS, Iowa City
Kinodot, St. Petersburg, Russia
Braziers Mini Indi Film Festival, Ipsden, England
FemFest Film & Video Showcase, Microlights, Milwaukee, WI
Milwaukee Underground Film Festival, Milwaukee, WI.
aDifferent festival aCinema, Milwaukee, WI
Pisces Ascending, Echo Park Film Center, Los Angeles, CA
Onion City: Experimental Film + Video Festival, Chicago, IL
That One Film Festival, Muncie, IN
Milwaukee Underground Film Festival, Milwaukee, WI
West Virginia Mountaineer Short Film Festival, Morgantown, WV
Winnipeg Underground Film Festival, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
CC34 - Pisces Ascending, Minneapolis, MN
Riverwest FemFest Film Showcase, Milwaukee, WI
Video! Video! Zine’s “Drama Class”, Chicago, IL
Video! Video! Zine’s “My Body, My Self”, Chicago, IL
Milwaukee Underground Film Festival, Milwaukee, WI
Eye Myth, Toronto, Canada
Video! Video! Video Festival, Chicago, IL
Grand Rapids Feminist Film Festival, Grand Rapids, MI
Transient Visions: Festival of the Moving Image, Johnson City, NY
SEFF Binghamton: Student Experimental Film Festival in Binghamtom, NY
70th Student Film Festival, University of Wisconsin, Union Cinema, Milwaukee, WI
Video! Video! Zine!’s “No Gods, No Masters!”, Chicago, IL
Video! Video! Video Festival, Chicago, IL
Often Undocumented Daily Texture, Union Cinema, Milwaukee, WI
Grand Rapids Feminist Film Festival, MI
SEFF Binghamton: Student Experimental Film Festival in Binghamtom, NY.
Milwaukee Underground Film Festival, Milwaukee WI
Color My World, Union Cinema, Milwaukee, WI
The Unstitute: “From Inside the Beehive and Back Again”, Chicago, IL